地址:5300 Spring Mountain Rd. 212. Las vegas 89146

關于房產經紀陳紅 Nancy :
每周五為“堵城天天報”寫房產專欄,是拉斯維加斯優秀的房地產經紀。她經驗豐富,熱情親切,房源多 客源廣,已幫助過許多中國和美國房產客戶。她自己也是房產投資者,非常理解買家和賣家的需求。專精: 投資 豪宅 學區 退休房服務:房產買賣 出租管理等。歡迎面對面的咨詢。
關于房產經紀陳紅 Nancy ---每周五為“賭城天天報”寫房產專欄,是拉斯維加斯前100名最有影響力的房地產經紀。她經驗豐富,熱情親切,房源多 客源廣,8年來幫助過許多中國和美國房產客戶。她自己也是房產投資者,理解買家和賣家的需求。歡迎面對面的咨詢
服務:房產買賣 房產管理
陳紅 Nancy 曾獲的獎項及承諾:
認證國際房產專家,賣房專家代表,可信任的買家代表,認證談判專家,退休房產專家,報紙房產專欄作家,豪宅市場專家,Top 25 Woman of Realtors at Las Vegas.
地址:5300 Spring Mountain Rd. 212. Las vegas 89146 ( Spring Mountain/Decatur)
Excellent services
I knew Nancy through referral of my friend who has received excellent services from her. Nancy has purchased several houses for me and my family. She is very knowledgeable and patient. The houses she recommended were very suitable for my investment goal. I will definitely recommend Nancy for my friends!…
She knows the market trends
Through my friend's referral, I have worked with Nancy for years. She has helped me with couple of houses in East Las Vegas successfully. She knows the market trends very well and have excellent customer service. She stood by our side every step of the way, answered our questions clearly. She is very friendly , passionate and helpful. I received the utmost in skills and personal attention from her.
Provided excellent after-sale customer service
Nancy does a great job . She has helped me couple houses for 2 years. After closing, she cares about me and my houses constantly, has provided excellent after-sales customer service.
One of the best real estate agents!
Nancy Chen is one of the best real estate agents I have worked with. She is very professional, effective, honest and hard working. She helped me bought several properties with though market analysis and turned out to be very good investment. Her knowledge of the market is amazing.